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How to Stop Sensitive Teeth Pain Immediately?

Sensitive teeth pain is most common problem. Researchers suggest that 1 in 8 Americans is dealing with the sensitive teeth. It is normally considered as minor and temporary problem which can be neglected but in reality, sensitive teeth pain is the starter of the high intense tooth diseases. Sometimes it becomes much hard to bear that patient needs the urgent sensitive teeth pain relief, so it should be considered seriously. In this article, we’ll learn the useful hacks and best possible sensitive teeth pain home remedy. Moreover, you will also find out best sensitive teeth pain medicine.

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First of all, you should try to find out the major cause of your sensitive teeth. There are many reasons for the sensitive teeth pain; some people have sensitive teeth in their older age due to weaker enamel and exposed dentin. Some may experience it due to abnormal acidic behavior in their stomach. So, you must consult the expert dentist as soon as possible. If it is not possible to see the dentist then you must try some possible home remedies, if you want quickest sensitive teeth pain relief. Later, you can go for permanent medicine.

Home Remedies

Salt and hot water

1) Hot salty water:

One quick home remedy is the hot salty water. It is the most quick and useful sensitive teeth pain home remedy over the years. It is easily accessible to anyone, anytime. So, it is considered as the best possible quick sensitive teeth pain home remedy.

Ice cubes

2) Ice cube:

As hot water is considered to relieve the excessive teeth pain, in the same manner, ice cubes are also considered among best immediate solutions for teeth pain. These both are the same kinda chemical remedies which seize the pain temporary.

Lemon and orange

3) Lemon or orange:

Both lemon and orange have the citrus acid which is used to provide immunity against the bacterial infection and tartar. If you have the sensitive teeth pain due to tartar then it is the best possible sensitive teeth pain home remedy for you. You can just apply lemon juice on the sensitive area directly.


4) Turmeric:

Many people already know that turmeric is one of the most ancient home remedies for relieving the pain. It is also used as an antiseptic and antibacterial sensitive teeth pain home remedy. So if you need immediate pain relief then you must try turmeric. You can ingest it directly or you can make a paste of it and use it as toothpaste.


5) Potatoes:

As we have discussed earlier that some people may face tooth ache due to acidic nature of their saliva and because of some acidic gases by their stomach. In this case, fresh potato can be handy. Potato has immense quality of absorbing the moisture so it can quickly absorb the acidic excessive saliva and acidic moisture from your mouth so you can feel drastically reduction on your sensitive teeth pain in no time.

Different types of food oils

6) Specific oils:

There are some special oils that provide quick pain relief. You must try these oils
i) Coconut oil
ii) Sunflower oil
iii) Sesame oil
iv) Oregano oil
v) Nutmeg oil

Besides all these home remedies, there are some also quick approaches which are easily accessible to anyone. They can also provide quick sensitive teeth pain relief. Let’s check out.

  • Desensitizing Toothpaste:
    There are several popular brands that actually provide the special sensitive toothpastes for the sensitive teeth pain relief. They are not regular whitening toothpastes which are used to brush twice a day but desensitizing toothpastes are especially made for sensitive teeth pain relief. Go to nearest medical store and have special toothpaste.
  • Soft bristled Brush:
    If you feel the sensitive teeth pain then you must not use the regular toothbrush because it will damage your teeth gums and it may stimulate the sensitive teeth pain so try to use soft bristled brush.
  • Fluoride Toothpaste:
    Fluoride is considered as messiah to the teeth. Whenever you feel any kind of issue with your teeth, every second person may suggest you the fluoride. It is that much important for our teeth. So, try to use special fluoride toothpaste or ask your dentist to make a special fluoride rinse for you.
  • Hydrogen peroxide rinse:
    Hydrogen peroxide rinse is considered as one of the best anti bacterial rinse. Many expert dentists use this rinse in their mouthwashes. You must try to swish hydrogen peroxide rinse once or twice to avoid the excessive sensitive pain.

After getting rid of the sensitive teeth pain immediately, you should not sit down but you should visit your dentist to have proper sensitive teeth pain medicine. In most severe cases, only sensitive teeth pain medicine won’t help you out but you will be required to have some advanced treatment for permanent pain relief. Followings are some famous advanced sensitive teeth pain relief treatments you should go for.

Advanced Tooth Sensitivity Treatment

Gum graft surgery
  1. Colored bonding Agent:
    Tooth sensitive to cold and hot are due to exposure of the inner layer of teeth which is called dentin. It happens when the upper layer, enamel, is demolished. So, the colored bonding agent is a material that sticks with the teeth to avoid the hot and cold items cause any sensitivity. It works as fake enamel coated on the teeth.
  2. Fluoride coating:
    Fluoride strengthens the teeth. The customized mouth-trays are filled with Fluoride and then wore to strengthen the teeth. This process can be done within 3 minutes.
  3. Blocking dentine tubules:
    Dentine tubules have much small pores which become much sensitive to air. These pores are blocked in a small surgical method. These pores are normally blocked or filled by Fluoride.
  4. Gum Graft:
    If you have tooth sensitive to cold and hot due to minimal amount of tooth gum then you can go for gum graft. Gum graft surgery is a kind of patching procedure. The surgeon takes small amount of gum from the sideways and put them on the desired space that belongs to sensitive tooth. This procedure is much risky so, always consult for some specialists before going for gum graft.

Before going into above mentioned advanced treatments, you must recognize that what treatment would be the best for you. Every advanced treatment is most suitable for a specific cause. May be it won’t help in another cause. So find out the best cause of your tooth sensitivity and go for advanced treatments to get proper relief. You can also check other treatments to select the most feasible tooth sensitivity treatment for yourself.

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