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Tooth Extraction Aftercare Guide (10 Self-care Guide)

Now that you must have undergone the painless removal of your tooth (or teeth), there is a chance that you feel pain, get swells and/or little bleeding from the tooth extraction area. This is because the aforementioned are usually what patients experience after undergoing the procedure. Getting these symptoms, especially over a longer period of time, means you shouldn’t just fold your arms and do nothing. There are certain tooth extraction aftercare instructions that you must follow. It will enhance quick recovery. So, in this article, you are going to learn about effective tooth extraction aftercare. With that being said, tooth extraction aftercare may not be the same for everyone due to the type of extraction but within 2 weeks or less, you can be completely healed.

You can get more information about our tooth extraction in Columbia md .

What to Do After Extraction (10 Self-care Guide)

Basically, after you have undergone the extraction, your dentist will discharge you. It will take a few days for you to recover. During the entire healing period, which may take up to 2 weeks, there are some things that you should do. It can help you reduce pain, prevent the risk of infection, and aid fast healing. Here are 10 tooth extraction aftercare instructions to follow after the procedure:

1. Apply Ice Bag

ice pack for wisdom tooth

Press gently the treated area with an ice bag as soon as the operation is completed. It will reduce swelling. Use the ice bag for 5 to 10 minutes at a time and remove for the next 5 to 10 minutes. Do not apply for over 10 minutes because it may cause tissue damage.

2. Take Medications

take medication

Use the prescribed dosage of painkillers. Aside from painkillers, make sure you take the medications prescribed to you religiously. It could be antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medicines that’ll treat pain and swelling.

3. Leave Gauze Pad

Biting on gauze pad

Do not remove the first gauze pad from its position until around 3 or 4 hours after the extraction procedure. It will decrease bleeding and enable clotting around the tooth socket.

4. Rest Well

Man resting after tooth extraction

After the tooth extraction process, make sure you rest for a minimum of 24 hours. Reduce your activities. Do not exercise or carry out vigorous actions for the next few days. When you want to sleep during the recovery period, lie down with your head propped up with pillows. Avoid sleeping flats because it may extend bleeding span and delay healing.

5. Avoid Dislodging

Throughout that 24 hours, avoid removing the blood clot from its position around the socket. Do this by not spitting or rinsing your mouth excessively.

6. Ditch Straw

Avoid using straw after extraction

After the extraction process, avoid the use of a straw for drinking for 24 hours.

7. Don’t Smoke

Do not smoke after tooth extraction

Avoid tooth extraction aftercare smoking for at least 2 to 3 days. Smoking is detrimental to recovery. The longer you don’t smoke, the better your recovery process and time.

8. Rinse Your Mouth

Mouth rinse salt water

After relaxing for 24 hours, use salt-water mixture to rinse your mouth. The mixture should be a half teaspoon of salt, added to eight ounce of warm water.

9. Brush Your Teeth

brush your teeth after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction operation shouldn’t stop you from brushing your teeth. In fact, it will help prevent infection. But avoid the operated area whilst brushing.

10. Avoid Solid foods and eat soft foods

Simple liquid soup

Don’t eat solid foods the day after extraction. Also, stay away from eating spicy foods, chewy foods, crunchy snacks and drinking alcoholic beverages. As you recover, you can slowly incorporate solid but healthy foods into your diet –preferably about 5 to 7 days after tooth extraction. Instead of solid foods, take tooth extraction aftercare foods which are in soft and liquid form. These soft foods include milkshakes, applesauce, pudding, avocado, soup and Greek yogurt.

How to Manage Tooth Extraction Pain

Just like anyone who has undergone the tooth extraction, you will most certainly experience pain. It is also common to get swelling. However, your dentist will prescribe painkiller medications to you. It will help you get rid of the pain and swellings. Also, you may be asked to get some over-the-counter drugs. Ensure that you use these medications as directed. But if the pain do not alleviate within 3 days after the extraction, please visit your dentist. If your tooth extraction aftercare pain impairs even after few days, contact your dentist quickly. Aside from pain, there are also certain conditions that may force you to call you dentist, so let’s look into that also.

When to Contact your Dentist

Some unusual situations may arise after tooth extraction, apart from pain. Although this amount of discomfort is normal after the effect of anesthesia is gone, there are certain cases that actually warrant a visit to your dentist. If you experience any, do not hesitate to reach out.

  • Incessant bleeding about 5 hours after extraction procedure.
  • High fever and symptoms of infection.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Intense pain and swelling that do not go away with tooth extraction aftercare.
  • Little to no sensitivity or stinging sensation in your mouth.
  • Disgusting and excessive discharge emanating from the extraction area.
  • Inability to open your mouth comfortably and normally after 7 days of tooth removal.

Do not hesitate to call your dentist or go to the dental clinic if any of these signs come up. Rest assured that it will be taken care of properly. In case you have follow-up appointments, which may be during your tooth extraction aftercare period, make sure you attend. Also, follow all the tooth extraction aftercare advice from your dentist.


By practicing the tooth extraction aftercare, it will greatly impact your entire recovery process. In addition, there are some improvements that you should expect. 14 days after your tooth has been removed, you will get notable healing and repair. The extracted tooth area should appear and feel better and your sockets start closing up. Between 21 and 30 days, you may still notice an indentation in your jawbone where the tooth’s real socket is situated. Also, bone tissue will start to form, which are delicate, especially when chewing foods. After about 6 to 8 months, new bone tissue may have virtually formed to fill in the empty sockets.

Elegant Dent Care Team

If you are looking for an easy and painless tooth extraction process, you need our affordable tooth removal dentistry by Dr Nabavi, best dentist in Columbia, Elliott city, Baltimore, Annapolis and etc. To Book appointment online click here: 

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